Saturday, January 31, 2009


The planning of major traffic projects is always in the works, what is hopeful is the opinion and visions of commuters who chose not to use cars is being sought in this process. It is too bad that it is has taken this long to take into consideration these opinions and visions, but at least we're moving in that direction.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

(Warm) Heart of the Continent

This Bird Has Flown

The Orioles Bike Cage will empower and improve the community by sharing knowledge of bike repair, by providing access to bike repair tools, by encouraging reuse of materials and by providing an open space where money is not a barrier to bicycle ownership.
At least that's a draft description of the mission of this new community-owned bike repair/reuse/recycling station (modelled loosely on the Bike Dump, for those who might be familiar with that collective). The Bike Cage, at the Orioles site of Valour Community Club (444 St. Matthews @ Burnell) is slated to open this spring.

A look at the space (currently being used for storage) reveals why it is called a bike cage. Visit the Google group linked above for up-to-date information, including how you can get involved/learn skills/use tools.

Friday, January 23, 2009

To build a home

Questions pondered while staring at the bottom of the Maryland Bridge:

1. How many mosquitoes can a swallow eat in 1 hour?

2. Are there negative impacts of swallow nests on concrete infrastructure?

3. Should bridges in the next Winnipeg have, as a design feature, articulated bottom profiles that provide swallow habitat?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Oh yes, the Next Winnipeg will be all about multi-modal opportunities: park and ride, bike and bus, maybe even bike and skate.

This cute blue bike was parked at an access point to the river skating trail. Turns out the owner stopped for a skate on her way home from work (which happens to involve the bike, too, as she's a bike courier).

One is all you need

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Magic

Despite the relative emptiness of one of these photos (I couldn't resist the clouds), I have been surprised at how many people are using the Assiniboine River skate/walking trail as their commuting route. Additionally it is interesting how few people are now choosing the perfectly servicable riverwalk (year-round trail beside the river). Why is this? Perhaps because there is something magical, unique and peaceful about being on the actual river. Some recent research shows that when it comes to active transportation infrastructure, if you build it they will come. The other photo is of someone I met commuting home from downtown via the river. David, a Winnipeg architect, walks almost 90 minutes each way to and from work, 5 days a week, year round. He cites mental and physical health as his most important motivators for choosing active transportation.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Moments before I snapped this early morning photo, I was passed by a car with a bumper sticker that asked "Who's your farmer?" I wasn't quick enough to get a shot of the sticker, but I did capture a colourful trio of garden containers waiting for spring. And if this gardener (small-scale urban farmer?) is growing food, it's a nice example of an easy way to get involved in the food system.

During the growing season, one can imagine this little greenspace to be a welcoming detail at the front of this house.

Almost assuredly, the Next Winnipeg will be polite.

Optimistically, there will be so few cars that parkades will have to court customers with polite sales pitches.

Cynically, there will be so much free surface parking (or so few reasons to go downtown) that parkades will have to court customers with polite sales pitches.